On the Blog

Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

The Five Element Series: Wood

The wood element embodies growth, expansion and creativity. It is responsible for upward movement and can be strong and forceful when needed, just like an emerging plant obstructed by a rock.

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

How to Get Better Sleep for Hormone-Mediated Insomnia During Menopause and the Premenstrual Phase

This article explores the impact of hormonal changes, particularly declining estrogen and progesterone levels, on sleep during perimenopause and the premenstrual phase.

More importantly, it delves into natural strategies, including the use of medicinal herbs and supplements like magnesium, L-theanine, chaste berry, 5-HTP, and black cohosh, to enhance sleep quality and reclaim restful nights. Additionally, we'll examine the striking parallels between premenstrual and perimenopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, insomnia, and anxiety.

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

Five Element Series: Water

Water is the most yin of all elements. Deep and internal in nature, it represents stillness, darkness, and nourishment. Soft yet powerful, this substance cuts through the most durable of matter and moves around any obstacle.

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

Five Element Series: Fire

The fire element is associated with warmth, energy, transformation, and illumination. Fire provides the warmth necessary for physiological processes in the body to take place and also illuminates our life to bring more mental clarity .

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

2024-Year of the Wood Dragon!

The dragon is the only mythical creature in the Chinese zodiac and is regarded as highly auspicious. It is viewed as a symbol of luck and prosperity and is believed to bring financial success. The dragon is the archetype of strength, power, adaptability, and creativity. Looking ahead, we see a year full of possibilities!

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

4 TCM Herbs for Acne

Chinese herbal medicine employs a combination of herbs, to restore harmony within the body. The individual herbs that make up your personal formula are carefully selected based on their energetic properties, tastes, and effects on various organ systems.

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

The Five Element Series: Earth

The earth element and season are associated with the spleen and stomach organs. Physiologically, the earth organ’s functions are two fold: they are responsible for digestion, absorption, and distribution of fluids and nutrients throughout the body, while simultaneously filtering waste for removal.Psychologically, the earth element empowers a healthy ability to process and integrate experiences, knowledge, thoughts and emotions.

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

The Five Element Series: Metal

Metal is perhaps, the most *mysterious* of the five elements. The metal element is imbued with qualities that manifest in less obvious ways than the other four elements: earth, water, wood, and fire…

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Lee Lewis Lee Lewis

4 Traditional Herbs for Hair Growth

Hair growth begins at the follicle, and by stimulating hair follicle growth and invigorating circulation at the scalp, these herbs provide some serious nourishment and tonicity to create strong and healthy hair.

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