Five Types of Acne
Ren and Chong Disharmony
Typical “hormoanl acne” presentation, often first appearing in womens’ 20's after withdrawing from birth control, with cyclical flare-ups occuring around menses, concentrated along the jaw line. The pimples tend to be papular or nodular, may be tender to the touch, slow to form disperse, often leaving a hyperpigmented scar.
Yang Ming Damp Heat with Toxin
More pronounced pustules, swollen, red papules and whiteheads on a background of sebaceous (greasy) skin. Typically coinsides with digestive disruption such as bowel irregularity, foul smelling breath and stools, bloating, swollen bleeding gums, a red tongue with yellow coating.
Lung Heat with Toxin
Typically affects teenagers and young adults and is the first stage of acne. These pimples are relatively superficial, quick to emerge and disperse. They appear as several red comedones that tend to congregate around the forehead, and chin.
Toxic Heat with Phlegm and Blood Stasis
A less common, more severe form of acne, presenting with a range of lesions, from light and superficial to deep, painful, nodular and cystic that frequently become infected and scar, possibly leving keloids.
Qi and Blood Deficiency with Dampness
Similar to ren/chong mai disharmonmy or hormonal acne, but there is more deficiency and less heat and stasis present. The patient often has poor vitality, weak digestion, fatigue, low moods, poor sleep, and a pale puffy tongue. Lesions are pale and less inflamed.
Photo from Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada