from $27.00

Formulated for dry and irritated coughs after an acute respiratory infection or exposure to air pollutants. Deeply nourishing and toning, this adaptogenic blend has many added benefits for energy, immunological, and emotional well-being. Not suitable for those with wet coughs.

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Formulated for dry and irritated coughs after an acute respiratory infection or exposure to air pollutants. Deeply nourishing and toning, this adaptogenic blend has many added benefits for energy, immunological, and emotional well-being. Not suitable for those with wet coughs.

Formulated for dry and irritated coughs after an acute respiratory infection or exposure to air pollutants. Deeply nourishing and toning, this adaptogenic blend has many added benefits for energy, immunological, and emotional well-being. Not suitable for those with wet coughs.


An adaptogenic formula designed for dry and irritated coughs after an acute respiratory infection or exposure to air pollutants. Adaptogens such as reishi, shatavari, and schisandra tone and deeply nourish the organs. Originally created during the 2020 California fires when many Californians suffered from lung inflammation and dryness, it has since become our go-to formula for fire season and post-Covid lung support as well. This formula may be helpful for firefighters and asthmatics who suffer from dry coughs. Not suitable for those with wet coughs.

Ingredients (Latin)

Cortex lycii, radix ophiopogonis, radix adenophorae, radix asparagi, bulbus lilii, radix platycodi, ganoderma, fructus schisandrae, fructus jujubee, zingiberis recens, glycyrrhizae

Ingredients (Pin Yin)

Di gu pi, mai men dong, bei sha shen, tien men dong, bai he, jie geng, da zao, sheng jiang, ling zhi, wu wei zi, gan cao

Herb Profiles

Di Gu Pi- Commonly used for cough, wheezing, and difficulty breathing due to heat invading the lungs. It has also been traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat symptoms associated with diabetes and various bleeding disorders. 

Mai Men Dong- used in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish dry lungs with symptoms such as dry mouth/throat, dry cough, and sputum that is difficult to expel. It is an effective herb for chronic diseases of the lungs such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, and pertussis.  

Bei Sha Shen- traditionally used for clearing heat from the lungs. It also moistens the lungs by generating body fluids to help with symptoms such as chronic dry cough with sputum that is difficult to expel or in severe cases streaked with blood.  

Tian Men Dong- also known as shatavari, this adaptogenic herb cools and moistens the lungs. In ayurveda it is used as a tonic forb both the immune system and the female reproductive system. 

Bai He- a food grade herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to moisten the lungs, stop cough, and harmonize the digestive system. Also traditionally used to treat the spirit for symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness. 

Jie Geng- an anti-inflammatory herb commonly used to open up the lungs, dispel phlegm, and nourish the throat. It also has the unique ability to direct the action of other herbs to the upper body in regions such as the respiratory system. 

Ling Zhi- also known as reishi, this herb has anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic properties that make it a powerful herb for treating cough and wheezing. It is also used in Chinese medicine to nourish the heart and calm the spirit for disorders such as insomnia, forgetfulness, and fatigue. 

Wu Wei ZI- an adaptogenic and immune tonifying herb that is traditionally used for treating cough, excessive sweating, and diarrhea. It also has calming properties that make it a useful herb for treating anxiety and stress induced asthma. 

Da Zao- traditionally this herb is included in formulas to harmonize the effects of other herbs. It also is used to nourish the qi and blood, and calm the spirit. 

Sheng Jiang- used in Chinese medicine to induce sweating, to relieve nausea and vomiting, and to stop coughing. As a warm medicinal it prevents the formula from being to cold for the digestion

Gan Cao-traditionally used to moisten the lung, stop cough, and relieve pain. It is often included in formulas to harmonize the actions of other herbs